What is eleph/ant?

eleph/ant is a simple password manager to handle/store personal sensible data (email, machine/ftp accounts or bancomat/credit card codes), using a unique key/password.
Written in 100% pure python with reasonably strong encryption and a simple command line interface.


Elephants have (some say) a very good memory.
There are a lot of password managers out there ...everyone with a different audience and different motivations. I did one just because none of them was good for me. Also having more different apps of this kind is a good thing in terms of security IMHO.
Intended audience: sysadmins/developers/professionals/commandline fans....

Where do I get it?

Here. Source package and RPM only. Soon (I hope) win32 and deb packages. You could help....
Requirements: python 2.x

How do I use it?

Just type eleph at the command line.
The most important options are:

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

Please write me.

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